Valentine necklace
by Glenda
Valentine's Day necklace finished product
This pretty paper Valentine necklace is a quick and easy craft to make. To learn how it was done, read on.
Materials Needed for the Valentine necklace:
- paper stock cut to 2 inches wide by 8.5 inches long
- paper cutter
- necklace cording
- cardboard square (for putting jewelry on)
- hole punch
- marker
- index card
- tape
1. Take the cardstock and cut it 2 inches wide by 8.50 inches long.
2. Start folding back and forth in triangles until you get to the end. Snip off the last triangle.

3. Slip the necklace into the fold of the triangle.
4. Push the end of the triangle into the first opening of the triangle until it is completely in.
5. Smooth paper and pull the necklace up to the edge of the largest part of the triangle.
6. Place a small piece of tape to hold the necklace cording in place.
7. Push down hard in the middle of the triangle and make it look like a puffy heart.
8. Now press firmly on each edge of the top of the triangleto make it flat and form the heart.
9. Write the word LOVE on the front of the heart with themarker.
To package:Take one piece of an index card and cut in half. Take the hole punch and push it as far as it will go on the sides and punch a hole on each side. Slide the necklace into the hole making sure the word is facing upward. Twist the cord of the necklace and put a small piece of tape to hold. Wrap up the rest of the cord and tape it down.

Viola! You have a darling little heart necklace for your friends and family.
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